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Mar 2017

The gMax 1.5+ and and their tall version seems like a really big volume printer at a reasonable price, but with no reviews, no ratings, its a tough pill to swallow, to possibly end up with a dud…anyone have any experience with this printer? how does it compare to a Taz6

or a Zortrax M200 in terms of ease of use, speed, noise, surface finish quality and failed prints?

what about fine details?

I am concerned about the open frame approach,…how does Taz6 prevent warp-age without the closed environment? Same with Makergear?

  • created

    Mar '17
  • last reply

    Mar '17
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Speaking from my own experience, the Zortrax M200 i can’t recommend enough its been one of our most reliable machines. If your looking for a large build volume they’ve released the M300 and with the Lulzbot Taz 6 you can never go wrong!

I have had a GMAX 1.5 XT and I can say that it was a well functioning printer; but its at it’s limits. I major flaw of this printer is the bed and it’s weight. Because the bed is on the Y axis you have to deal with the inertia problems by reducing print speed. All open frame approaches have this problem. Another problem they have is (that you brought up) is that it’s an open environment. This means unpredictable/uneven cooling. If you want material options and no inertia problems you should go with a closed core x/y system. If you need a cheap printer that can get the job done with PLA and large volume; google cr-10 (http://www.gearbest.com/3d-printers-3d-printer-kits/pp\_441281.html) … If this volume doesn’t fit your needs, use this printer to build your dream and keep your machine costs below $1K.

Totally agree, M200’s reliability is truly impressive! Bought mine couple months ago and it works like a charm:)

To be fair, 2 months is nowhere near enough time to make judgements on reliability.

How affected are you by the proprietary filament requirements of the Zortrax machines? They look very good, and lovely prints, but I’m not a fan of closed source machines, particularly when it comes to filaments.