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Feb 2016

I am desperately needing help setting up my 3D printer. It is a geeetech Rostock mini delta. I am on a Mac so that makes it little more difficult. I am willing to pay someone for their time or such…

Hi there, can you describe your problem in detail? My printer is slightly different, since it’s a Kossel Mini, by the way it’s still a delta printer and very similar to the Rostock Mini. I currently use my printer with an iMac with El Capitan.


Have a Rostock and Kossel delta also. Each of them self built so just raise your questions I am sure we can solve them.

If you are not confident with all the arduino and firmware setting stuff that I can help you out via Teamviewer. I am supported around 40 printer builds so far with so many different issues. So don"t hesitate to contact me.



I’m building Rostock and when I hit home the z-axis tries to get off the print area. The actress is also backward, meaning when I hit up it goes down and when I hit down it goes up. How do I fix this?

Sorry tooooo many issues all in once.

Are you sure there is a delta firmware on it?

If yes you have to change the motor direction, flipping the cable on the electronics or in the firmware.

Have you ever checked that your endstops works by connecting to the printer and sending m119 command?

reprap forums is another great resource… you really gotta learn this stuff becuuse 3d printers require some upkeep…

I have been able to do some prints so assembly is correct, the problems I am getting is consistency of print and I keep getting random layer shifts. sometimes on small prints 2" X 2" it does fine but when I get larger it get layer shifts and not always on the same layer, I keep trying the same print and it messes up at different layers every time.

Its great that it prints something so the problem is not that bad.

Layer shift usually caused by overheating stepper drivers or misconfigured stepper current.

Do you have heat sink on the drivers and also active cooling? Are the or drivers and/or motors hot also?

Witch drivers and motors you have ?

What software are you using to interface I am using reprap, I am having trouble connecting the adruino software to the board to make setting changes what version are you running