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Mar 2017

OK The issue that I am having is that the linear carriages go up to home (when i use G28) and then come back down about 95mm. my display reads x 0 y 0 z226.58… When I try to level the bed it always hits the print bed. How do I resolve this?

I’m using Marlin firmware supplied and prontoface as recommended.

8 days later

Have you sorted out your problem? I just finished building my Plus and had the problem of when G28 the carriages went up then the one motor would start jumping and once stopped the one carriage would go down a bit. Turned out I had two of the end stop limit switches swopped around on the board.

Yeah good now…I was using a newer Arduino with the wrong firmware. The customer service got me on the right track.

They were very helpful. Now I just have to make some time to start printing…:slight_smile:

Good luck. I can’t seem to get my prints right they either stop printting cause of jamming or the whole print looks like it a silk worm printed it… All the layers aren’t solid so the print feels sponge and not getting much enjoy support wise.