
I recently purchased the ANYCUBIC Kossel Linear printer from amazon because a $300 printer seemed like a good place to start. I am an Uber Newb when it comes to 3D printing and the like, so when it came time to upload the firmware on the board I was WAAAAY over my head.

I think I uploaded the firmware unsuccessfully one to many times and now the display is only showing boxes and is completely unresponsive.

Is there a way to reset the board to its factory settings???

- I tried turning it off and on again, the display is still only boxes and the printer is not responding to pronterface

- there is a little reset button on the motherboard itself, i pressed and held for 30 seconds and nothing happened

- i tried uploading a blank sketch in arduino and it didnt work… i guess cuz the printer is unreachable

- when i tried uploading the firmware the first time Arduino said “timeout” over and over

i am at a total loss of what to do and i’d really love some help… i’ve been super excited to get printing but unable to move forward because idk wtf i did wrong :frowning:


What kind of board do you have. Is it Trigorilla?

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Hi DDDruk,

I am having a similar issue with my Trigorilla Board.

It seems it uploaded the firmware correctly, but I can not ‘connect’ in Pronterface.

I am running Windows XP so I am not in the requirements for Cura 15.04.

Please Help much appreciated,



Anyone with an answer? I’m having troubles myself with my brand new Anycubic Kossel Pulley.

Thanks! :slight_smile: