Hi there,

Got my AnyCubic i3 Mega Ultrabase this week and the building and unboxing went fine.
Happily started the owl_pair gcode and this went well with good result.
Then I wanted to start printing stuff for the printer! But whatever gcode I manage to make; I have massive adhesive problems. Started with the stock Anycubic i3 Cura settings - then tried higher starting layer (0.3) / lower speeds / more flow.

Tried these 2 prints:

Only way I got adhesion was with bed temperatures at 80-90C but then got warpage at later layers.
So currently I`m at a loss why the stock gcode works this well and the rest doesn’t.

Any tips since I`m now trying at random (different fillament; swapped hotend; 2352354 bed levels already scratched my plate). HELP!!


Hi! Have you tried printing the stock gcode again? I’m thinking it may be that the build plate is dirty, not something specifically about the stock gcode?

You can clean the Ultrabase with 91%+ IPA

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Hi Maddie,

My stock gcode keeps working fine though the movement is “easier” when I compare to things I`m trying to print.

Today I changed the 1st layer height to 0.1 mm and got a better result. Still warpage but no spaghetti mess :slight_smile: Then I decided to sand down the base plate; instant result! Everything is now firmly stuck to the base at 60 °C.

So in the end you were right! The plate was not up to spec out of the box. Thanks!

Awesome! I’m glad it worked. I’ve had mixed experiences with their Ultrabase myself.

You may try adjusting the speed settings for your own gcode - 40-60mm/sec is a good starting point for a new machine.

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Seems to stick very well now. I need to wait below 40c to get stuff off. I do print 15 mm/sec for the first but after that 50 mm/s and got some good products. Though on the larger objects I get lines in the printed part. Did you have similar experience? No strings on jumping to other parts or support. Also only on bigger objects.

Yup that’s a fairly common issue, usually caused by over extrusion. Basically the nozzle is digging in to the previously printed layer on travel movements and causing the scar. It can be fixed by dialing the extrusion multiplier back a little bit (1% increments) and/or using a z-hop or z-lift, I usually use about .2mm for the lift.

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Thanks for the fast reply. Now I know how it’s called I found some stuff on the net also. I thought it was a drool of the extruder… Gone try right away! Thanks again!

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