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Nov 2015

1,5 year ago, New Matter announced their very affordable and sleek MOD-t 3D printer 1 on Indiegogo. This week I (finally) received my printer. Have zero experience with 3d printing (though I do have experience with 3D modeling and other DIY stuff such as lasercutting). Anyone else who’s using (or expecting) this printer?

Until now, I’ve only printed Marvin to get my Hub up and running. Set-up is very straightforward, it looks great and the WiFi functionality is very useful, I can print from the cloud :). Prints are a bit ‘grainy’ and I see no option to tweak settings. But overall my experience is positive, but since I’m a newbie, don’t pin me to it :). What are your experiences?

  • created

    Nov '15
  • last reply

    Aug '18
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Hey @holleboom, it looks like you’re the first to post in the New Matter 1 community. Congrats! :slight_smile:

Would you be willing to share images of your Marvin or any other prints, together with the printing settings you used? I’m sure many Hubs would find this useful! Let me know

I received my Mod-t as well. I guess you can say I’m a beginner too. I finally had one successful print (It was one of my own stl files). But now I’m having some issues. Don’t get me wrong the Mod-t has been quite simple to setup and everything but I know that they’re working on upgrading their software/firmware. I do look up to New Matter as I have met with them at several tradeshows and they are very polite and friendly. I do have high hopes for them and am waiting patiently for them to tweak and adjust some things to make our printing experience better. After all, they are like a startup and with the amount of money for this piece of technology, you can’t go wrong.

Lucky you. That looks awesome. Yeah there’s a chance I may need to send my printer back to them for a replacement they said. In the meantime when I spoke to their customer support they told me that my issues are probably because of firmware. Now whenever I print, I get an error. Awesome to speak to others in the community who share the same printer though. Thanks for sharing!

Sorry to hear that! It seems I’m one of the lucky few without any problems. Support is great though, I have a lot of confidence in the team. But in order to build the community, they should open source the software and documentation.

20 days later

I’ve had mixed experience with the MOD-t. It is my first 3D printer and I do love it, however it is plagued with some firmware issues that cause prints to occasionally halt in the middle of printing or wifi connection to be dropped (or even unable to connect). The New Matter team is responsive to these issues, however, and releases firmware updates frequently to fix issues (though some still persist). I also had an issue where my extruder was jammed and had to get warranty repair in order to fix it (simply taking off the carriage cover to doctor a jam problem will void the warranty).

Overall I think the printer is a good first-time printer that is easy to use and print to and will only get better in time. I am currently printing parts to make my own 3D printer (RepRap Prusa i3) that will be able to print with more accuracy and with a wider variety of materials. The MOD-t is doing a great job with the prints and will continue to use the MOD-t, I think, even after my new printer is built.

A good buy if you are on a budget, patient with them ironing out some bugs, and don’t want to worry about maintaining your own printer.

4 months later

Hi, just wanted to say “I’m in” :slight_smile: I’ve got my MOD-T as a prize on 3dprintboard.com 1, yes I know, what a luck!!! :slight_smile:

I’ve had many problems with filament unloading but finally I understood that a load followed immediately by an unload will do a much better job!

I’ve already opened the printer (cause I’m in Italy… sending the printer to USA is out of question…), if you’re interested I taken many pictures of the inside of the head :slight_smile: And I know how to fix stuck unloading.

I’ve been in touch with the main New Matter engineer that told me that a big firmware update is in work and should be released in one month or so, with MANY improvements in print quality (post by Derek Schulte, look here: https://groups.google.com/forum/?#!topic/mod-t/xHJS8UuXaVk 1 )

Oh, remember to ever use my bed clips as they improve SO MUCH the quality!!! I cannot live without! Download model from here: http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:1399653 8

Let’s keep in touch if you have tips or problems!

3 months later

So I’ve loved mine but I bought some filament from a 3rd party that kept breaking or clogging even though it was supposed to be in the same melt range.

Then in taking off the hot end to diagnose, the pipe broke. Their support was about as attentive as can be expected… and they are currently sending me a new hot end free of charge.

I’ll never use 3rd party filament again which isn’t the worst thing in the world because theirs seems well priced from everything else I have found.

***Just hoping I didnt damage anything else on the machine getting that filament out of there.

I’ve used Makerbot filament on my Mod-t and it works fine. I also have the Makerbot Replicator Mini and I haven’t been loving it.

2 years later

Sad to see New Matter go out of business. It actually became an excellent printer when I switched to the astroprint slicer. i even use the free version of astro print for it. Does anyone know who owns the technology for the Mod-t? Maybe some other companies will make a go with the technology. I just love not having to level the printer an hope I leveled it correctly. i also like this printer came fully assembled. The only draw back was build volume. But even that was decent.