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Feb 2015

We’re very excited to introduce Deepak Mehta, 3D Hubs Mayor of Antwerp, Belgium. Deepak is our very first 3D Hubs Mayor, so it’s about time he gets an introduction to the online 3D print community! For Deepak, it all started while attending one of Bram’s presentation on 3D Hubs in Rotterdam, back in 2013. A couple of months later, he became the first 3D Hubs Mayor!

Deepak got into 3D printing in 1999, when a client showed him an SLA printer used for jewelry. He was instantly hooked! His son, Ritik, shares the same passion, so they decided to buy their first printer, a Makerbot Cupcake. Now he’s the proud owner of a Leapfrog Creatr!

Moving forward, as the 3D Hubs Mayor of Antwerp, Deepak is set on organising meetups that are all about sharing knowledge and showing the Belgium society the full potential of 3D printing. For example, last May he organised a Demo Day for Design Tools meetup, on how to make and improve 3D designs. His next event in Antwerp will take place in March and it will be another Filament Workshop together with Colorfabb, in the lines of the ones happening in Amsterdam and New York. More info on this soon, so stay tuned!


Deepak will also focus on teaching kids how to use a 3D printer and all the associated software. ‘Children have a lot of creativity and they understand everything real fast’. His goal is to have 3D printing in school programs soon in order to change the way we make things.

When asked about his favourite print, he mentions the one that started it all: the 3D printed glasses that his son first brought home, 10 years ago. You can make yourself some, following up Ritik’s tutorial on Instructables.

If you have any questions for @Deeeep, this is the time and place to do it :wink:

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    Feb '15
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    Feb '15
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