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Mar 2016

Hi all I’m new to the forum but been browsing as a guest for a while. Ive Had my printer about 4 months and not had any issues with it until about 2 weeks ago. The prints started looking lumpy in places and some infill layers where being skipped but it’s progressively got worse. So I decided it was time to change the nozzle. I could have cleaned it but I had some spare so I just replaced it. Anyway that didn’t solve the problem. So I thought maybe it’s a duff new nozzle, let’s try another. Nope still the same issue. I’ve re leveled the bed millions of times to see if that was the problem, tried replacing the nozzles, messed with both nozzle and bed temeratures but still nothing. It was working flawlessly up until 2 weeks ago and no settings had been messed with so I’m stumped as to what to try next. Any advise would be much appreciated so I can get back to printing. Thanks in advance. I have uploaded a couple images to show what the prints are coming out like

  • created

    Mar '16
  • last reply

    Mar '16
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Maybe the tension on your drive gear isn’t high enough? I would check that first especially if you have a bowden setup. Is your extruder also making a thumping noise?

Yeah that design is amazing, I have a reprap Prusa I3 and it uses the same design for the bowden setup. I can reach really high speeds with it without thumping.

I had the same problem. Turned out to be c**p filiment. Have you tryed a new/differant roll?

I just got a CTC a last week and had similar problems with PLA initially. I had to raise the temperature by about 5C befornit got better. There was also an audible thumping noise that disappeared when I raised the temp. Since, then, I’ve switched to ABS and had no issues with it, except for that sometimes on the first layer when using a raft and extruding lots of plastic you can hear the thumping noise. Hopefully I’ll print a new extruder soon.

The thumping noise is the extruder driver gear slipping. I’ve upgraded my extruders but even still i have to print PLA at 230 degrees to avoid it.

You could also slow the print speed down a bit so the extruder can keep up.

What plastic are you using?

What technique are you using to get it to stick?

What first layer settings are you using in your software?

Filament skipping was what I suspected it was. Have you had any luck with different extruder designs? What is your print quality like with PLA at 230? That’s hotter than I’ve ever heard, but to each his own.

very good results. i’ve no idea if my nozzle temperature is actually 230 or not of course, the calibration could be way off.

Hi again. Thought I would update you all. I played about with the temeratures settings and speeds and the prints came out a lot better but I still wasn’t happy with it because in places it was still skipping layers. So I decided I would take the extruder apart and have a look at what was going on. I noticed that the pulley on the stepper motor was full of dust and inside the little black box was another pulley that had blank gunk on it. I took both pulleys off. Gave them a quick once over put it all back together and the prints are coming out great again. Even on my original settings. I think I might give the pulleys a better clean when I get chance because I only gave it a quick going over to see if it made any improvements