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Mar 2016

Filament skipping was what I suspected it was. Have you had any luck with different extruder designs? What is your print quality like with PLA at 230? That’s hotter than I’ve ever heard, but to each his own.

very good results. i’ve no idea if my nozzle temperature is actually 230 or not of course, the calibration could be way off.

1. Looks like you need better bed adhesion (use hair spray, glue stick, painters tape, etc.)

2. Adjust your nozzle height correctly, might be a bit to close to the surface

after fixing those 2 things I bet you will be fine.

Thanks for all the replies. I can hear a thumping sound and that is generally when you can see the print missing areas. I’ve tried both abs and pla and both have the same issue where as they were both totally fine before. Bed has be re leveled hundreds of time both closer and further away with similar outcomes. How would I go about adjusting the tensioner, is it easy to do.

Hi again. Thought I would update you all. I played about with the temeratures settings and speeds and the prints came out a lot better but I still wasn’t happy with it because in places it was still skipping layers. So I decided I would take the extruder apart and have a look at what was going on. I noticed that the pulley on the stepper motor was full of dust and inside the little black box was another pulley that had blank gunk on it. I took both pulleys off. Gave them a quick once over put it all back together and the prints are coming out great again. Even on my original settings. I think I might give the pulleys a better clean when I get chance because I only gave it a quick going over to see if it made any improvements