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May 2017

So I would check my nozzle temp, 190 c for PLA, and 240 for ABS. It also looks like it either dwelling too long and burning and it should be printing at speed 60 or your feed rate is too low, make sure it’s at 100%. Also check your fan connections and you may need to manually set your fans to turn ilong earlier if your original temperature is correct. Can you send a pic if your extruder, bed and print settings? Are you using Cura? More information is better :slight_smile:

Looks like under extrusion and/or problems sticking to the bed.

Is that a glass bed? You’d be better off with an adhesive build plate.

Your nozzle may be too close to the bed. I would lower the bed a bit and re-level.

I looks strange, is your bed levelt? Can you push filament true with your hand?

it seems that your bed is not level, screw the odd corner upwards a bit and try again :slight_smile:

I agree with (some) others - your bed isn’t level, and probably a touch too far from the nozzle.

That first layer should be flat, wide, and squished. Are you using a feeler gauge for leveling?

You can remove the size you want from the bundle and keep it nearby.

Oh, and buy a can of hairspray. :slight_smile:

It seems like you have some under extrusion at the second half. This could have multiple reasons:

Clogged nozzle

Nozzle temperature is too low (unlikely)

Your extrusion motor is overheating (and is shutting down!)

Your extrusion motor doesnt get enough power (unlikely)

Your extrusion gear wheel lost grip on the filament

It could also be that your bed is not flat.

I would check your nozzle for clogs.

You’d better use blue tape (used for painting - outdoor version), sticks incredibly well and keeps your hotbed clean!!!