
This is my first post. I recently finished building my Anet A8. I am running into an issue at the moment where the print will start normally, but within the first few min (2%) of the print the layers will get printed all over the build plate and not one on top of the other.

I am using the cura version that came with the printer [14.07]. Here are my settings:




I did my best to follow the settings from the documentation that came with the printer, but at this point I have no idea what is causing the issue.

Any help or suggestions is welcome.

Thank you for your time.

Hello and welcome,

This is called layer shifting, Look it up on google you’ll find a lot of resources and info about how to eliminate that issue. Mainly, it is caused by the belts being either too loose or too tight. It could also be that your board is getting too much hot that the drivers are not functioning properly.
Good luck!


the same file prints the same bad pattern always?

any abnormal noise?

Looking at the picture… your X Belt is too loose. Sometimes the belt slips on the gear because it is too loose, causing your printer to think it is printing somewhere it isn’t.

You can still print with loose belts as long as you lower the printing speed ALOT (in case you want to print something like this to help fix the issue).