Hi, I am new to making 3D Printers and got the Anet A8 3D Printer put it together and everything worked perfectly until I Sent in a print with Cura.exe and even tried to do it on micro usb but got the same results.

What happens is when I send the print in it says its starting to print and moves to get into position but when it hits the z axis endstop the z axis left motor moves the bar upwards fast but the z axis right motor doesn’t move it up also when it says its printing no filament comes out of hotend even though if I push it through it does come out as seen in this video:

Also I am getting red flashing lights on the Anet A8 motherboard as seen in this video:

Here is a picture of the error code when I canceled the print on Cura.exe if that helps:

I am stumped and don’t know what to do. I hope someone can help me out and knows whats going on.

Thanks in Advance!


Check again if motors are connected right on the board. It look like left Z motor is on X-axis slot

You is problem with right Z-axis slip

Check all your connections again, check your screws(especially on the z-axis motors). My anet a8 also flashes red lights when it is warm, I think they are there so you can see when it is putting current through the extruder and hotbed. On the video you get a major error like the left z-axis motor is going crazy, pretty weird. I would buy a new chip or send back the one you have.

Thats why I’m pretty sure it’s connected on X-axis place. You are right for the red light

I hope it is not the Anet A8 Motherboard chip because that took forever to ship and don’t want to pay $30 for a new one.

That’s what I thought but its all plugged in correctly as you can see in these videos:



Here is the diagram that came with the printer and followed it exactly:


I know but I don’t know whats wrong with it?

Anyone know what is happening?

Wrongly marked cables perhaps?..

Finally got somewhere it seems to work now for some reason but now I have the problem where the hotend extruder doesn’t seem to push the filament at all but it works if I manually push it into the hotend as seen in this video:
Does anyone know why and how to fix?

I did check the securing screws in the extruder gear as seen here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/1biep3nloz1g7cn/20170128_003847.jpg?dl=0


I also tried controlling the extruder gear on Repetier Host but that was unsuccessful as seen in this video:


and it seems to all be connected correctly. I am unable to push the filament hard enough w the idler pulley is not being pressed.

I checked and set the steps per mm of the extruder to 95 on printer and in software as seen here:



I see the plugs are all plugged in correctly and firmly as seen in this video:


Flashing red light means it’s heating up the nozzle or the heat bed. Or both. It’s suppose to do that The z motors aren’t even and there’s more pressure on the right motor spindle. Had the same problem. The video doesn’t tell you how far to stick the rods in where the extruder goes. Stick the rods further in for the right bracket on z axis. Also make sure the z axis spin rods are smooth and slide really easily. I use white lithium grease on the spiral rods.