Being consigned to garage in Baltic conditions I built an enclosure for my printer. Front and sides fold down for bed leveling etc. The front is safety glass and the sides MDF. Base is a cutting of worktop. 2 questions really. The dust lid is clear acrylic and has been unaffected by heat when in use. Printing PLA 190-200degC wiyh bed at 50-55degC the maximun internal temperatures at model level 24degC and at lid 30degC. I read that the enclosure should be open at the top to protect the electrics. Is this fact or simply a potential issue?

P.S. If you are making one 540mm W x 500mm H is fine but give yourself more than the 500mmD I allowed…bit close for full bed travel and the wiring can hit/bend at the back if full bed is used.

I too have heard about the Anet A8 enclosure and the fact that it should remain closed for most of the time. However, I failed to get satisfactory answers to why this actually happens to be.
I presume it’s potentially to protect the electrics which might get damaged, if there isn’t an enclosed space for 3D printing.

The enclosure does improve the print quality. Prior to building it I was getting fair prints which delaminated once away from printer. The question was to do with protection of the electronic parts from heat build up. At present most of my prints are in the 7 hour range and heat has not been an issue. Just wanted to know if it could or would be a problem given the enclosure so far hasnt really got warmer than a hot room.