Hello i have a problem my 3d printer Anet A6 cannot print perferct circle.

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Don’t know this printer, but!!!

Try to slice the model with “randon starting points” this will solve your problem

I doubt in you right.

It can be a few things.

1. Check if all Belts and Screws are tight or if something wiggles. If it does, tighten and test again.

2. You print too fast. Try a slower speed (e.a. 30 mm/s) and try again. If the issues go away, up the speed in 5mm/s steps until the error reappears, then lower the speed one step to a speed where the error is not there.

3. The Temperature of the Filament could be an issue. Try to increase or decrease the temperature of the nozzle in 5°C steps. If it improves repeat the steps until you find your personal sweet spot.

4. Something like a cable or connector blocks the Movement of the printhead or the bed. Move the Head and Bed around with your hands and look if it does not move smoothly at the spot where the “edge” in your circle occurs. Then look why that is. Try to get rid of the issue and repeat.

It can be some of those things. Also the distance between the head and the bed looks like it could get a little bit closer, atleast for the first layer. But it’s not too far away. That’s definitely not an issue.

I hope i could help you with some of the tips.

If you have questions, don’t hesitate to ask.



Problem was in Y axis belt tension. Thanks all for help. Now anet print almost perfect circles and can print more upgrades.

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Hello, I had a similar problem with both my A8 and my A6. I was printing from a computer port via cable and was getting a jagged pattern on my circles, and the printers would slow to a crawl. I started printing from an SD card instead and both the slowing down and jagged appearance went away. Don’t know if it will help, but good luck!