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Hey guys, im Nick and i’m considering getting into the world of 3d printing. I’ve heard of printers such as the anet a8 and have 2 friends who own them, but i’m not confident enough to start off assembling a kit off the bat. Here’s where the anet a3 comes in, it’s slightly smaller but looks nicer and is already pre built. It’s around£180 in the uk for me. The only think i’m concerned about is Cura, as in what settings do I choose? like how fast does the plastic extruded etc. I really don’t know. Also do I just choose the nozzle and bed temperature according to the type of filament I use? For example if I was to use some of this sunlu pla+https://www.amazon.co.uk/SUNLU-Filament-Dimensional-Accuracy-Printing/dp/B073PB9XWY/ref=sr_1_2?s=industrial&ie=UTF8&qid=1516801620&sr=1-2&keywords=sunlu%2Bfilament&th=1 would I heat the nozzle at 200 degrees and the bed at 70 degrees?

Anyways thanks for reading this, i’m just concerned about cura and would really appreciate some help with the settings.