Want to share this amazing entirely 3d printed Thud tabletop game from Lars’ Hub in Cologne with you. Thud is a board game inspired by the Discoworld nivoles and represents the famous Battle of Koom Valley between dwarfs and trolls.

What was printed?

  • 1 central stone
  • 8 trolls
  • 32 dwarfs
  • 165 pieces which are pinned together like a puzzle
  • 165 lids for each piece, 42 of them with intarsia which were directly printed in the (Deckel) with a Dual Extruder

All in all it took Lars over 200 hours printingtime, more than 3kg filament (ABS in black and white) and 15 hours of painting the figures. The result is terrific, what do you guys think?


Awsome job!!!