Another possible cause is burnt filament clogging the extruder. If you manually turn on the heat in the extruder make sure you turn it off or start the flow going within a few minutes. If the extruder sits at hi temp it can burn and cause jams.
Is AstroPrint is a Cloud based Slicer? Am I correct? The Company I am working for is very discrete with its designs, so this makes me hesitant to use this program.
Hi I’m experiencing the same issues with clogging on my Airwolf HDX using only 2.85 mm platinum ABS filament purchased from Airwolf mid January 2015. I seem to be getting 3 to 4 decent large prints (11.6 inches wide 1 inche high in Z height) using Cura, and then I tried a taller and faster print and it clogged. I even experienced a clogged nozzle trying to print one of the vases off the company provided SD chip. So my printer does not work well on the fast print settings but prints decent on the normal or fine .15 to 0.06mm. After doing research, I found a printing group on youtube
and they had some good suggestions when printing ABS and PLA. and here are some of my useful suggestions:
1. For ABS: Print the first layer at 260C and then change the remainder of the print at 240C. (from the youtube group)
2. Heat the bed first and the Extruder 2nd and print minutes after.
3. After printing, retract the filament about 10 mm
4. Check the feeding assembly for dirty flakes of filament before printing your next print
5. Have an extra nozzle on hand in case you get another clog
So my question is IF we all are getting clogs with 0.5 mm nozzles, wouldn’t it make sense to make a 0.75 mm nozzle or even a 1 mm diameter nozzle for really large parts? Attached are some successful parts (Aston Martin Model parts)…
Mousebites may act strange and make it seem as if the nozzle is clogged, but it is really that the filament is slipping and not being fed, and it feels as if it’s clogged.
I got rid of mouse bites with 2 steps and back to great prints:
1-Pull off the retaining pin, pull it sideways against the springs as if you were inserting new filament, take an air source, like a compressed air can, or a compressor, or any other source of spraying DRY air, and clean the feeder assembly from small particles.
2- if 1 doesn’t do it, i disassembled the cfeeder unit by removing the back panel with the included allen wrenches. then remove the 2 top screws on the feeder assembly. it should swing downwards. take off the 2 nuts that hold the bobbed bolt in place. careful not to lose any washer or the bearings. remove the bolt and clean ALL the grooves that are probably filled with debris. Reasemble everything in the correct order. important to put the washer in the same position. do n to over tighten the nuts on the bolt. make them tight against each other, but make sure that the gear turns freely and not over tight.
That should put you back on great prints and no mousebites.
Here is an update on my extruder jamming problems I was having with my Airwolf HDX single extruder printer with premium ABS from their website.
Here’s what WORKED for me.
1. Spray out the inside of the extruder assembly with office canned air as suggested.
2. Remove filament and SPRAY CANNED AIR UP THE FEED TUBE. I did this and you wouldn’t believe all the filament particles that came blowing back out of the feed tube.
3. Check your file in Meshmixer for holes. I tried printing the same file twice and kept getting jams because of a bad file/hole that caused an error and curled the filament up around the hot end. I tried a different file as a test print and it printed perfect.
4. After a print, pull the filament completely out and check the front tip for a bulb that will cause you problems on your very next print. Then cut that bulb off the tip of your filament, and reinsert it.
5. Lastly, I printed a successful 8 hour print using Matter Control and Slic3r for slicing with the following ABS settings:
EXTRUDER TEMP: 240/1st Layer; 237 to 235C rest of the layers
BED TEMP: 120/1st Layer; 115 to 110 rest of the layers
I hope that this post helps at least one of you to avoid as many headaches I have had trying to dial in this printer. I am now successfully printing out my 2nd 8 hour print that is 11.6 inches long x 4 inches wide and about 2.5 inches high on the Z height. Thanks for all the suggestions too.
I have just recently encountered some mouse bites as well… I think I might have figured out the problem though and no one is really touching on it… Heat Creep. Normally this is an issue with PLA, but I think we are experiencing it on the HD2X with ABS. If I print with the fan on (which is mainly a extruder fan, not a print fan), it prints great…without it though, I believe the heat is building up in the filament and the gear can’t push it through the hotend. Anyway, something that you can look at when you a re trying to print. Turn the fan on manually or any other way right from the very begging and see how it goes.
I also switched to silver PLA, and printed a car model hood which was 10 inches tall and 11.6 inches wide. It took 60 hours to print probably because of the 3 layers instead of two but successfully, which is a personal record. HDX is working great now.