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Apr 2016

I want a simple to use printer. Don’t want to build a kit. Like the Da Vinci build volume but feel the Afinia might be easier to use. Read all the reviews and still can’t make a decision. Have a budget limit of about $1000 give or take. Mainly plan to use it to build Model Railroad details.

Like the CEL Robox but can’t find it at Amazon and a hit over the budget.

Any help will be certainly appreciated.


  • created

    Apr '16
  • last reply

    Apr '16
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Hey Jay,

I’d advise staying away from the Da Vinci printers as at the moment they can be hard to work with. Everything is done through their slicer and there aren’t really any effective ways of changing this for the printer. I have a Da Vinci, but it can be unpredictable using the XYZware which it comes with. Sometimes it can do something perfectly, but other times the g code is completely wrong. It can add random indents or groves on any surface.

For this reason I would suggest keeping away from the Da Vinci. I’ve never had faults caused by the printer, problem occurs when the slicer gets to work. The printer prints exactly what the slicer shows, but that means it copies any errors. I’ve no experience with the Afinia, but quite a few have said it is good. Someone should be able to help you out with this.

Hope this helps

Thanks for the information. I was very impressed by the Afinia 480. Even has Auto Leveling. Hope others will reply regards it.

I wasn’t aware that the Afinia had auto levelling, the Da Vinci doesn’t and it can take anywhere from a few minutes to about an hour of calibration. Good luck with your printer and hope you enjoy which ever one you get!

Hi Jay,

The Afinia H480 is great little printer, easy to use, and has professional level quality. Afinia also offers lifetime tech support to help with any questions or issues you have.

You might want to try talking with someone else who’s doing what you’re planning to do with a 3d printer. I know http://www.modelrailroadinguniversity.com/index.html 1 or http://www.franandmileshale.com/index.html 1 uses the little Afinia printer and I’m sure they’d be happy to tell you about their experience with it.

I did find another printer that one of the members of 3DHUB suggested. It is the ROBO 3D R1 +PLUS. It runs $799 and has a bigger build area. It is also made in the US and has apparently I huge support organization.