Hi, I’m looking to design a shoe riser (external, under the sole) for a baby, and I need the most lightweight material, but at the same time durable (few months of walking) and sturdy. I’m very new to 3D printing so I’m looking for any type of advice you have, mainly about materials, but also including possible models.
Thanks in advance!
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Hello Alberto .
Like material so that ABS has good mechanical strength but is " difficult" to Print . It is printed in well-ventilated areas .
For the model , you could use a 3D scanner .
I hope to be helpful .
You are welcome to contact our service bureau and speak with our engineer about the exact material needs. If you email me, mandy@neometrixtech.com, I am happy to send you a material MSDS on the materials we offer with our polyjet printing services. We utilize the Connex 350 which offers about 107 different material varieties, one of which should be optimal for your needs. We also offer 3D scanning and modeling services. Good luck!
Alberto, I don’t quite picture the piece your have in mind. If its something solid, not flexible, I have only worked with a kind of ABS, Z-ABS, and I can say it is durable when printed with a high infill level (amount of material inside the piece). So durable that I printed a piece to hold the weight of a sailboat pole and it works, but its as bulky and heavy as it can be, and probably not the best choice for a baby, so you should definetly go for a balance.
There is also UltraT, I know it is more durable but no idea about the weight. If your prefer flexible materials, more confortable probably, then I cannot help you. Do you need modelling services as well? I am a Hub from Madrid, and have printed many prototypes, maybe I could help you out. Or if your have the model already upload it so we can advise you better.
Nylon, maybe?
Most 3D printed plastics are pretty close to each other in weight. The only reason I’d go with something like nylon over ABS or HIPS is that while they may have decent mechanical strength, if they do start to deform they don’t fatigue well, whereas the nylon I’ve used pretty much absorbs any stress and doesn’t fatigue. (Blue trimmer line from Maxpower)
Good morning Alberto,
I think the best option and most affordable option is to print the riser in ABS and then apply over the surface a epoxy resin coating. This process will ensure very good strong mechanical strength combined with good corrosion resistance and light weight and flexibility, which is very important for a baby shoe.
Feel free to contact me if you need further information: antoniojcarmona@gmail.com
My best regards,
Thanks for all the replies!
I’ve now stopped going the 3D printed way, since every solution is way more expensive than other “low-tech” solutions.
I was thinking about your requirements and I´m sure the best and suitable option for you should be an elastomer polymer like FilaFlex. Is flexible, light and has a very good resistance.
It´s been used a lot in shoe prototyping.