I want to add a new printer to my hub but this printer is not listed. I can choose ‘other FDM’ but this looks a little cheap. Is there a way to add a new printer?
You have to contact support, support has also reached out to me when I list my printers as Other.
Hey @Mercedes , would you please help @Eddi enlist his printer? Cheers
Hey @Gabriela3d , can i send @Mercedes a message?
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Sure thing! Just email her at mercedesat3dhubsdotcom. Let me know if you need more help with that.
@Rada I’ve added your printer! Cheers and happy printing !
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I’ll soon have a similar issue… but not identical…
I own a Replicator 2… Currently, it’s almost a factory machine… Very soon, I’ll add a heated bed and a E3D V6 hot end…
My question is simple… What should I do? Should I list my printer as a Replicator2? RepRap? Other?
Click the last option in the printer list, that’s what I did.
Somebody from the 3DH crew then contacted me by email, and sent me a link with a form to compile with data about the new printer.
It’s a manual work, so it may need some time before your printer will be listed, but I was contacted in few hours after I added my option of unlisted printer.
Hey Dominique, I guess it depends from case to case. As @Alex_Vukovic mentioned, when you’re ready to list your printer, it’s best to contact the support team. @Mercedes will be there to help with all questions Hope this helps!
Ok, thanks. I’ll contact them as soon as I upgraded my printer.
May 18, 2016, 6:54am
I have the same trouble, need to add a new printer. Help on this issue.