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May 2017

I get this nag from 3dhubs even though I have accepted every order. Are they ever going to get their act together?


Improve your accept rate

Your accept rate is 96.7% while top 10% of Hubs on the platform accept 97.8% of orders. Try to minimise the number of orders you have to decline by keeping your Hub up to date."

  • created

    May '17
  • last reply

    Sep '17
  • 6


  • 636


  • 5


Yeah I got that too. The number seems off because when I asked tech support our accept rate is based on last 25 orders. So how do we as a hub get a number like 96.7% shouldn’t it be something like 96%.

I understand the avg being a non exact number since some could be 96% and some 100%.

Although I find it hard to believe there’s many top 10% hub with 100%, there’s always going to be a few orders where they stopped responding after you accepted and waited for payment. Or they send an order request to multiple and cancel most.

I’ve only ever cancelled one or two orders I think out of 100+ because I couldn’t print it after accepting. Other cancels are because its something that wasn’t compatible with fdm printing , or customers just stop responding.

I just don’t see how you get an accept rate of 96.7% when you accept every order. I should have a rate of 100%. No matter what convoluted way they come up with to calculate it, if you have accepted every order then it is 100%.

I think “accept rate” is a pretty useless metric anyway. I evaluate every order individually. Is “accept rate” supposed to influence my decision making or behavior in some way?

Metrics are low on my priorities in terms of things I would like to see improved here, but if they are going to do it they should at least give us something useful.

I agree wholeheartedly! It is just really annoying when they scold you about something with your hub and can’t even use an accurate statistic to do it.

3 months later

Just had my account suspended and ready for closure due to the ‘accept rate’. I have accepted all orders but so, so many of them never make it through payment. I am sure this is what has caused it. Great passive income for whoever fills their pockets with all them 12.5% but other than that it is a shocking platform for a business to use for an order channel.