So I bought these cheap rolls of filament (like 6 of them) from a brand named Acccreality. Turns out they don’t print like my last roll. What a surprise… Has anyone heard of this brand, or printed with it? If you have, please, tell me what settings you printed at. It’s supposed to be PLA, but it doesn’t stick at the build plate at recommended settings from Cura. My printer is a Tevo Tornado and I had excellent printing experience with the unknown brand that I received with it. This POS lifts off the plate like crazy, and if I get a little closer to the plate it smooshes underneath the previous layer and lifts it up and starts to look like fish scales or weaved basket. It prints a mess every time. I tried different temperatures until I maxed out the high end on the Tevo. I got it to stick and stay melted, but it still curls up at the edges and eventually the head gets caught and snaps the prints off the bed. I even superglued my last print. Still couldn’t keep it on. The best I could get is printing at high temps with high temp bed and high distance from the bed, so it doesn’t smoosh and get underneath. Very succeptable to drafts. Could this be ABS mismatch, or can I change some magic Cura setting, or is it just bad PLA? The brand had a site at some point, now all I can find is an EBay store with no info. I need to find the print settings on this filament.