My first print! I 3D printed a Huawei case that I found on Thingiverse. I used the Ultimaker 2 and printed with PLA. At the beginning speed was 100% but it went a little bit too fast. The pattern wasn’t that good, so I had to adjust the speed to 70%. This improved the quality of the pattern, as you can see.

My next project is to customize the Huawei case. I want to print with woodfill but I don’t have experience with it .

Does anyone have some advice about using Woodfill for a phone case?




Maybe @edddy or @Naimeric could give you some tips ?

Best Barry,
See ya soon!

@ColorFabb should be the ones to help you out on this one. I also found: ColorFabb Learn - How to print with woodFill filament which should set you up

Hi Barry,

As the maker of this case design :slight_smile: I can share the profiles I used to print the case. I will post it as soon as I’m back home and have acces to the .ini file

On woodfill, depending on the brand there are some great tips on the

What I’ve learned is you have to ensure you start printing with a clean nozle. Any residue remaining from other filaments will disturb the printing process. Furthermore, do not print too slow and ensure you increase flow when compared to regular PLA.

If you are not using the colorfabb woodfil, but for instance laywood, the settings will be slightly different. I’ve found that laywood is a little more difficult to print with at larger sizes and requires more finetuning. I can also share some good settings and .ini files later today



Hi @barry ,

The best setting for woodfill :

- temp : 225 °c

- bed : no or 50 °c

- flow : 100 %

- Speed : 80/90 mm.s-1

- retract : 0.5 mm / 35 mm.s-1

Most important : don’t let the material heating in the nozzle without printing (clogging …ect).


And of course, a 0.25/0.27 layer size … Enjoy ^^

Hi @martinv77

Thank you for the advice. I’ll wait for the settings and keep you updated on the print.


Thanks @Modellus
Great Advice! I’ll work on it!


Hi Barry,

As promised herewith the screenshots of the profile I used to print the case in PLA.

For the woodfill, I have the following additional recommendations:


layer >0,15

speed 100 mm/s

temp 190 - 205

flow 100%


layer >0,15

speed 100 mm/s

temp 190

flow 150%