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Jan 2016

Just a little advice about the Woodfill filament that some of you might want to know:

As you know you can sand the Woodfill but it makes the surface whiter. if you want a great uniform finish, just oil the surface with wooden oil or linseed oil. it will make your part look and smell great! It will also protect it against moisture.

Another tip: use a 0,6 mm nozzle to prevent the nozzle from clogging. And if it still does clog, use a acupuncture needle to unclog it.

Have fun!

  • created

    Jan '16
  • last reply

    Feb '16
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Hey @N1C0,

another effective, but arguably quite risky, way of removing white sanding/post processing marks from any material is flame polishing. I use a small “creme brulee” burner and whip it past the white marks very quickly. Obviously you need to be very fast, since the 1000°C flame will make quick business of burning a big hole into the part, but with a little practice it is a fast and easy way. It also helps to remove the fur, that sometimes accumulates around WoodFill and other wood-filled filament prints.



I would personally recommend a wood filament Timberfill from FilamentOne.com 19. They offer a lot of different colors and it’s very comfortable to print with it. We’re printing the guitars bodies from it and there is no a better wood filament for it on the market.

28 days later