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Dec 2014

Who doesn’t love radio controlled cars?

We do, especially 3D printed ones! No surprise then that we’re excited the launch of 3DRacers 13, a 3D printed racing game, which allows you create fully-customized mini race cars online and 3D print them. These race cars are a great Christmas gift or stocking filler - especially if you’ve left present shopping a bit late…yep you’re not alone.

We first met the 3DRacers team at the Rome Maker Faire in October, where they showed us the small Bluetooth-enabled cars, complete with a custom race track mat surrounded by a crowd of kids and adults eager to race. We were impressed and decided to get involved.

3DRacers are set to launch a crowdfunding campaign in January and we’ve partnered with them to produce the cars, in what will be a fun and noteworthy example of distributed manufacturing.

In the meantime, you can create your own personalized mini version of 3DRacers with their editor. After downloading the STL files you can 3D print them yourself or at 3D Hubs.

Need some inspiration your 3DRacer design? This great customization 1 clip might be just what you need to get your creative juices going.

For more information visit www.3dracers.com 13

  • created

    Dec '14
  • last reply

    Jan '15
  • 12


  • 3.7k


  • 9



I’m Marco D’Alia, one of the founder behind 3DRacers,

if you have some questions about our porject, don’t hesitate to ask :slight_smile:

hello marco,
I’m hubs in 3d, how can I get printing jobs for the racers?
you have to certify it first?
would like to make a prog pressure !!


Hey Marco, do you have to solder the electronics yourself or do you send people the assembled pcb? I’m really digging the idea and am ordering some for sure!

Hi @Franky,

yes we’ll start the selection program after the Kickstarter campaign ends for the final version of 3DRacers,

while for the MINI 3DRacers (without the electronics) there isn’t (yet) an integration with 3DHubs,

but the users can download the STL and order a print through the standard procedure.


Hi Brian!

When the bigger 3DRacers(the ones with electronics) will be ready(after the crowdfunding campaign), we would like to send people an assembled pcb with a standard body in the box and some free .stl sets to get them going! We want even unskilled people with electronics to be ready to run!

Do you have any preferences or suggestions about it? Let us know!

Hi Guys,

this realy is a wonderful idea!! By the way, who says you have to stick to cars?!?!

I’m excited and ready to be a part of the action in January!

Enjoy the Holidays!

Kind regards, Guy

Hi creatives!

Wow I love it! And those injection moulded rc cars always tend to break. So let’s print some.

Eat your heart out Toy Stores!

Best regards,


We can’t wait to see what kind of vehicles you guys will create :slight_smile:

We are working on a new kind of “movable thing” ourselves… more news on january :slight_smile:

1 month later