I also just backed it, thanks for creating such a great product!
I’m glad you like it!
Can’t wait to start of the beta program!
I just backed it at the reseller level. Can’t wait to check it out.
Thanks to all!
We reached the 3° goal yesterday, let’s see if today we’ll unlock the 10k$ goal with the Dune Buggy!
Hello Marco, I got the early bird bare bone kit, would like to join the beta and print some cars!
Just pledged for ‘EARLY BIRD^2 - BAREBONE’, can’t wait for BETA Please invite me for the beta program…
Are there any news?
Hi Johannes,
sorry for the few news lately, we are preparing a big release with an updated website, a devblog and a discussion forum for our user!
We’ll do the announcement this week, in the meantime I can anticipate to the 3DHubs community something:
- we found a manufacturer that offered us a very interesting partnership
- we redesigned the board with the manufacturer guidelines and in the meantime doubled the Arduino pins and added the shield support
- we migrated the app to Unity5, which means multiplatform support for windows phone, ios, android
- more info in the next update, thanks for patience
Marco from 3DRacers
To participate to the closed beta, and download the beta STLs, we need the email that you used to register on Indiegogo.
Also you should register on our forum: http://forum.3dracers.com/ with the same email as username, so that we can enable you to access the private BETA posts.
Team 3DRacers