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May 2015

Just pledged for the BETA RACER!

Please count me in, looking forward to print some cool cars for me and the community.

Just pledged for ‘EARLY BIRD^2 - BAREBONE’, can’t wait for BETA :slight_smile: Please invite me for the beta program…

2 months later

Hi Johannes,

sorry for the few news lately, we are preparing a big release with an updated website, a devblog and a discussion forum for our user!

We’ll do the announcement this week, in the meantime I can anticipate to the 3DHubs community something:

- we found a manufacturer that offered us a very interesting partnership

- we redesigned the board with the manufacturer guidelines and in the meantime doubled the Arduino pins and added the shield support

- we migrated the app to Unity5, which means multiplatform support for windows phone, ios, android

- more info in the next update, thanks for patience :slight_smile:

Marco from 3DRacers