Very strange request and I haven’t a clue how to get this done. Any advice or even help would be greatly appreciated! I’m trying to get a 3D windmill generated (approximately 3-4 of them depending on price). It would be a drinking apparatus which will basically encase a fishbowl (can be removable) and the mill would have holes to put long straws. I would purchase the fishbowl so all I would need is someone to write the program and print these items. I needed this done weeks ago so my urgency is rather highI am looking to get help on creating a design for a 3D Windmill (similar to the one in Moulin Rouge). @Nikki suggested I post on this thread to potentially get someone who would be capable of doing this task? The Windmill would need to encase a fishbowl (sort of drinking apparatus) and could be removable. The hole on the actual windmill could hold large straws. Anyone out there interested? I would also be compensating you for this design? If any takers please email me directly at

Thanks @Nikki for being so helpful!

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Nikki, there is a design available in sketchup in STL?



Hi @KrissyD, thanks for bringing this to Talk. Where exactly are you located? Since some of our hubs can help with the design as well, we could start by approaching the ones closest to you.

Also, more details can never hurt: do you have a sketch of your end result, a certain size you’re aiming for - base, height -, etc? I found 2 windmill designs online btw, here and here, which would need some tweaking (there’s no room for straws yet), but are definitely a start. Looking forward to your reply!

Something like this? I will email you a 3d rendering when it completes rendering. It mwasuresa bout 4 inches across, and 6 inches at top and another few inches about for the windmill wings.

This was fun to make, what else you got?

Moulan rouge.jpg

That’s pretty cool!

Nice one, @Toddmichael :slight_smile: It still needs holes to accommodate the straws, but it looks brilliant! I’m sure @KrissyD will love it.

@KrissyD , I was thinking the whole roof coming off might be better, waiting for more informaiton.



I cannot begin to explain how this site has traumatized me already (being my very first job request). Charles Conway from Cennea Tech agreed to do the task of creating the program (completed) but when it was time to do the actual printing he not only did not complete this but failed to tell me that he was not able to do this at all! I have been liaising with him and his company since last week. The process initiated perfectly (program created right away). We then began to discuss the print job of which Charles Conway confirmed all 4 windmills would be completed by Sunday evening (23 November). Keep in mind I had already spent well over thousands to market and purchase addditional party favors for this event for THIS EVENING! After asking Charles to provide me with progress (ie images so i could see how far into the print he was getting) from the original start date to print my items on Friday 28 November he only gave me an image of ONE PROPELLOR Sunday evening at 8:00PM. Charles then Re-ASSURED me it would all be completed (via email AND text) by Monday morning. After trying to reach Charles Conway several times this morning (we are at Monday now) he basically gives me this long winded excuse of why he couldnt even get ANYTHING DONE. Now I am at my breaking point. I have approximately 300 people coming this evening to find that my star item will NOT BE THERE. I have to now start over and look for another vendor to do this ALL CORRECTLY and in the time frame agreed (As Cennea Tech DID NOT). Your advise would be greatly appreciated.


As you read in my complaint to Gabriela I am looking to again get this constructed. The parameters of your image need to be widened to about 8" wide and brought up to at least 12" high could you do that?

Hi Krissy, so sorry to hear this and thanks for bringing this to our attention! Maybe @Cennea can help bring some light into this issue, but I can assure you that all our hubs are well intended and very keen on helping out. 3D printing is not always an exact science, there are many individual characteristics to each printer (such optimal printing temperature), which if not set correct in the beggining, can affect the result. We’ll definitely look into this with Cennea though - @Nikki, maybe you can help with this? - , to make sure it won’t happen again.

I’m happy to see that there are other community members ready to help out, so hopefuly all turned out well? Let us know how you went.

Thanks, Gabriela

As can be seen from my post, I have it ready to go with a few mods. It wil need to be printed by someone as I very small build platform. I dont mind working with someone to get this done.

@Nikki @krissy @xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Todd Michael


yes it can be done, would throw off the proportions from the original moulin Rouge, but i can do it.

Todd Michael

I’m so sorry about your experience @KrissyD! I’m following up on it for you.

Thanks for letting me know @gabriela3d.

Hi @KrissyD, would you mind sending me your order number for the order you placed with Cennea Tech? Thanks so much!