That’s really interesting. I run a company that manufactures a lot if miniatures for a number of different companies. I’ve actually never seen an FDM print in real life! Are they very strong? I also know the surface detail isn’t great.
I’d also be more than happy to help with printing a few pieces. I’ve got a fair bit of experience printing gaming miniatures and 28mm scale minis for example. See my hub for some example prints on my FDM machine of the quality I get on minis.
Before going too far, make sure to consider a few things (as I’ve got some experience/exposure on this):
You definitely aren’t the first to make a tabletop strategy game that’s fully printable. 108 has been making games exclusively for 3D Printing for a while now, and one of their main guys (goes by dutchmogul) on thingiverse has tons of printable open-source designs published already both targeting more casual games, and more hardcore mini gaming. Might be a good idea to look at what they have, maybe with some collaboration you can get a lot accomplished in less time.
Also be wary of Games Workshop. They troll the 3D Printing community because their gaming stuff is expensive, and once 3DP became a popular thing, people started printing Warhammer and Warhammer 40K parts for example. Even if your parts aren’t a copy of theirs, and it just “looks similar” they will slap a DMCA takedown on it, and get it taken down, and if you’re making any money off of it, they will attempt to sue. Just letting you know to be careful about how you plan your designs so they don’t appear too “games workshoppy” lol so you don’t get slapped down by DMCA nonsense.
Looking forward to see what you come up with! And again, don’t hesitate to reach out via my hub if you need any prints done.
Not to, uh, niggle, but you’re hardly the first person to 3D print war gaming miniatures, even a whole set of them. And you’re not the first 3D printed war game ever. I’ve got Wood Wars 3D in before you on that one, though after a failed kickstarter I haven’t done much with it.
So what is 3D printing going to add to wargaming to make your game to make it stand out?
And your website offends Avast for some reason.
You can get great details with FDM, but the files had to be specially designed for FDM, otherwise it won’t look good.
You can get a FDM print that looks almost as good as one from a SLA or Polyjet for a fraction of the price, but the models had to be well designed.
See attachment with the kind of detail you can get from a desktop FDM. Design is key.
You can also check the picture of our model everything was made on a single extruder FDM. 24
Also, FDM prints are more solid and can be designed to be articulated.
Well, all my models have already be print tested, I’m more looking for reviewers. 37
Here are the models, if you are interested in anyone of them, I can give you access for free for an review.
The prints in the picture were printed at 0.1mm, your printer should be able to print them even better than what you see in the picture.
What speeds are you printing at?
I was originally planning to make a full game, but I decided to scale down the operation, so it’s only models for now.
This is the website btw:
And yes, I think Da Vinci jr. should print well. I make my design as much printer proof as I can.
As for youtube vid and review, that would be great. Just send me a message on Facebook: it would be easier to communicate.