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Aug 2018


I am an intern/co-op at an injections company and during my time here I developed, modeled and printed a useful tool for cleaning off print plates, specifically for our 3D systems Projet 6000. It is basically a curved surface with pegs that rolls along the plate and pushes out support structure. I’m attaching a picture of the tool and the result of its use.

A lead engineer here thinks this is pretty useful and the 3D model could be sold for a cheap price. Anyone with a 3D systems printer-- is this something that would interest you? I would like to hear any support or criticisms, as well as the means to bring this tool to other users of Projet or any printers that use similar plates.

  • created

    Aug '18
  • last reply

    Oct '18
  • 1


  • 1.8k


  • 2


2 months later

Good idea. I’m just getting started with the 3DS Projet 6000 after running a Stratasys Objet500 for a year. It does seem unnecessarily long to clean the plate. The guy training me uses an exacto knife into each hole. Gotta be a faster way.