I am trying to figure out how to do full body scans in order to print them out on a Projet 660 Pro printer. I have one Sense scanner and can get some more as well…I think there is a way to rig up several of them ?
A sense scanner will be very tedious way to do a body capture. Part of the success of capturing a full body is for image to remain still. Even breathing can distort a good capture. Another challenge is maintaining a consistent distance. It is possible, just very time consuming and a high failure rate. I say this from experience and not to discourage you. Based upon my experience, I am in the midst of building my own full body 3d scanner. I have seen a variety of setups from 70 DSLR, 100 Canon power shots, webcams, pc cams, Artec, Sense, etc. My decision was a pc cam base, much of the decision comes down to speed, quality and expense. Think you can get 2 of 3, but 3 of 3 is elusive. Best of luck.
I agree with hhouse. We have one im my company (Cloud 3D) and it’s very frustrating when it doesn’t work because of a little movement of the person (scanned and holder). I’ve seen Artec working and it’s very different.
An iPad, an Occipital Structure Sensor and ItSeez3D. All you need and works beautifully. Not the greatest mesh resolution but the texture makes up for that…
If you want a higher-resolution mesh, you can connect the iPad to your PC/Mac via the Occipital app and Skanect, running on the PC/Mac, although the resolution is only slightly better and the texture won’t be as good.
It takes a while to get proficient at taking scans using this method but that’s a small price to pay, considering the expense of the alternatives.
There is “reconstruct me”. I am using an Artec Eva . But this is to make precise custom fitted glasses. It is the best scanner available at the moment for this and it realy makes a precise copy in full scale. The Artec studio can work with sense scanners I think. Also multiple. Myself I am building a robotic scan rig for full body scans. It will have 4 axis with the rotating platform included and take little space. Find my full scale PET printed head attached. And my kids printed in wood.
A verry precise 3D scanning method is Photogrammetry.
make RAW photo’s on a ordinari DSLR camera, import them in Adobe Ps and make masks and open the foto’s in a photogrammetry software like Agisoft Photoscan or Autodesk Remake (or free 123D Catch)
We’ve had great results from our structure sensor and iPad. If you can’t go the photogrammetry route, it’s a great “low cost” alternative. We’ve had very few problems with people shifting during the process and always manage great geometry scans. We don’t use a rig because we’ve found it limiting and it doesn’t allow for adjusting to the requirements of the subject.
For us it just came down to practice. Portrait scans take less then a minute and full body scans under 3. With full body scans, we set our config file to allow us to start at the head and work down. Scanning the head & shoulders, then the torso and finally the lower body. We would do pick up scans on hands and feet only if it was necessary or as ‘insurance’.
Hi, I’ve just recently bought a Structure Sensor and have made some scans using Itseez3d and so far I’m really pleased with the sensor and ease of use for the quality it produces. I would like to edit the scans for even more detail and to crop out unwanted sections but have had no luck finding information on the workflow or tutorials on how to apply the texture from Itseez3d. From what I’ve found so far, Meshlab and Blender seem to be the most popular free software for editing so I’ve downloaded them and have been following some youtube tutorials and can import, clean up and manipulate the mesh but nothing that details applying the patchwork texture from Itsee3d which is a major problem. The texture doesn’t automatically show up when importing as ply, obj or wrl so it looks like I’ll have to go through the additional steps of adding it myself which is far from intuitive and the steps seem to be different from working with the textures of other scanners/apps. Based on the lack of info its almost as if there is hardly anyone using Itseez3d which is surprising…unless I’m looking in all the wrong places. Any advice on how to do it or where I can find the info would be greatly appreciated.