
Hi All!

I would like to 3D scan something- do you know someone that would rent a scanner or offer that service of scanning ??

Also- do you know if it possible after scanning a object to measure real distances from the points of the objects? thanks

Yes you can measure real distances after scanning an object, but you have to import the scanned file into a program such as Solidworks or metrology software.

How big is your object and what resolution are you looking to get (high, medium, low)?

Yes, as 3D4ME said, this is doable. It can also be measured in NetFabb pro.

Part of the answer depends on the level of precision you need. It affects scan technology and measurement approach.

Where are you located? Knowing that might help more people reply to you as far as the actual scanning goes.

Hi- Thank you so much for your help! My object is around 3 x 3 cm. resolution could be low- does not really matter-

Before scanning do I need to do some special thing In order to be able to export and use the measurement?

thanks a lot!!

I am located in Houston!

Well it has been 3 years and I just ran across this thread. I assume you got things taken care of.

For others, we now have a David (now HP) structured light 3D scanner system that does a great job at a reasonable cost for scanning. It works best on matte finish monochrome parts but can scan color. Shiny areas can be problematic but for that, we apply a spray on powder that washes off or can be wiped off.

3x3 cm to smaller is doable as are much larger things. Nothing special needs to be done on the customer’s end prior to scanning other than delivering the part.

E3 Digital Fab is in Houston, Texas, USA.