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Feb 2015

Hello fellow Hubs, My name is Cara . A friend of mine had dealt with you before who asked to get a 3D scan an object for her which then she could edit it using Rhino . I am looking for a similar service. I have a metal form but now which to scale up and edit it to create it in some necklace piece.I’m located in Dublin city Ireland. I hope you can help me with this and if you wish to discuss futher that will be great. Kind Regards Cara

  • created

    Feb '15
  • last reply

    Feb '15
  • 5


  • 1.4k


  • 4


Hi Cara

My name is Keith, we do 3d scanning & printing, from looking at your photo’s its hard to tell what size the object is to scan, its difficult to scan parts quite small but if we do there is usually a bit of clean up afterwards involved so it would be a mix of 3d scanning & 3d modeling after.

Please contact us for any further information.


As Keith said it would take some amount of post processing or you could just make a unique copy and just model it but would take some advanced modelling in rhino or even Z-Brush.

Hi Keith , would you provide after the scanning the cleaning up . I’m very interested in your service. Where is it your base?? If it helps to bring the actual object to you . Also have a wax modle too. If that is better since less likely to reflexions while scanning.


Hi Cara yes we would provide the clean up service, what size is the object in question ? & if you want to go further with it just drop me an email at keith@3dprintingireland.com i can discuss it more, It would we need parts remodeling etc.

We are based outside Ashbourne 15 minutes from the M50

Thanks Keith