Hallo Gemeinde,
will mir einen 3D Scanner zulegen und brauch mal von euch erfahrungsberichte,
ausgeschaut habe ich mir den Markerbot Digitizer, wer hat so einen und kann mir davon berichten??
Oder habt ihr eine alternative idee??
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Hi Frank, hope you don’t mind me answering in English, but my German is a bit rusty, to say the least I’ll add to the Talk some hubs that own a Makerbot Digitizer, who hopefuly will be able to give you some feedback on it: @Leeds_Yorkshire, @ViktoriaNikole, @3DFactory, @Björn_9, @scottjanousek or @samuel_t_choy.
Guys, Frank is interested in buying a 3D scanner - have any recommendations?
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I decided to get a David sls2 scanner. I’m happy with it. What are you wanting to scan? Perhaps a x box kinect and scanner will do the job for you.
Unless you’re willing to spend thousands, you might as well just get a Microsoft Kinect and use some open source software to scan. Just my opinion. Good laser systems are expensive, and the other ones are really low end and do not give fine result. Depends on what your needs are, though.