Hello. This is the switch (see picture below) that came with my HE3d prusa mendel. It does not look safe, and probably should replace it, but I have no idea how or what to replace it with. The power supply looks to be a regular 115v power supply (I’m in the US). Can someone direct me to the safest and quickest resolution?
Take a picture of the printer, and specifically the plaque on the power supply for voltage, amperage and wattage requirement.
1.) Go to a Lowes or Home Depot and talk to an associate who is an electrician, they should be able to sell you the required wire, terminals and switch.
2.) Go to an electrical supply store
3.) If you are not comfortable doing the repairs yourself, look up and electrician in your area and talk to them.
Boom! then your in business! (without the fire hazard though)!
That soldering looks like a fire hazzard in my opinion. I would re-solder the wires and make them all parallel with one another and much neater. Ask someone to help you if suck at soldering. I would add heat shrink tube before soldering. It acts as a great insulator and prevent any contact the wires might make which could cause a fire. I think electrical tape is also another option if you don’t have any heat shrink.