I own an Afinibot A3 3d printer (prusa i3 clone) and have a problem. I have the object set to the center in Cura, but the printer prints a couple inches to the left of the center. What is wrong with the printer?
Hello. It would seem you don’t have the right build volume entered into Cura. That is my first guess. Cura will ask you about your origin as well, when entering a new machine. Origin at center, or origin at zero. I’d look over these two settings.
I agree the build platform is probably not set correctly. Check your x,y (x being your horizontal head movement, y being your vertical assuming you have a gantry style printer y is the direction your bed moves and x is the direction your head moves) values in cura and insure they are exactly the same as your printer it’s likely they are not and thus the printer believes your bed is either bigger or smaller then it’s actual size.
probably You have a wrong size set for hotbed. open Printer settings and look at bed options. You have to fill correctly lenght and depth of printing bed (I assumed You’re using repetier-host). If you’re using only Cura, look at machine settings and set correct width and depth for your bed (A3 is 200x200)
I haven’t had that problem but I would check that in Cura Machine–>Machine Settings are set correctly, mine is 300 x 300 x 400mm. Sorry, I don’t know what else to suggest without more details. Also, add “Afinibot 3D printer Tina luo” on skype, thats their tech support person. She’s been pretty helpful whenever I have some issues.
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