MatterThings 3D printed the payload for the McGill Rocket Team’s rocket for their upcoming competition.
MatterThings ont imprimé en 3D le payload pour la nouvelle fusée de l’équipe Fusée de McGill pour leur prochaine compétition.
Their project this year is to design and build a 10 ft. rocket to reach an altitude of 10,000 ft. above ground level, carrying a scientific payload. The payload is a solar powered glider that will be deployed from the rocket at apogee and start collecting data on its descent.
Leur projet cette année est de concevoir et de construire un 10 pieds fusée pour atteindre une altitude de 10.000 pieds. Dessus du niveau du sol, portant une charge utile scientifique. La charge utile est un planeur à énergie solaire qui sera déployé à partir de la fusée à l’apogée et le début de la collecte des données sur sa descente.
McGill Rocket Team is an engineering team that includes more than 70 students representing four faculties at McGill: engineering, science, arts and management. The team enables students to study, design and build rockets while being truly dedicated to fostering an empowered, well-connected community that promotes interest in astronautics through competition and emphasizes a positive dynamic, strong work ethic and a passion for advancing the future of humanity.

Payload & Bulk Mass:
Payload: Solar powdered glider - collect atmospheric data: body was 3D printed using PLA plastic (4 in diameter; 6.5 in height)
Bulk Mass: Made of lead (Density: 0.41lb/in3); mass to make up payload mass required by competition. Volume: 14.63 in3.

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MatterThings’ Hub:
Amazing work! Hope they win 
Hey Claudia & José! Thanks so much for sharing this great project with us and keep us posted on the developments and the McGill Rocket Team’s success!
McGill Rocket Team conducted a successful static test for Peregrine MU - 01 before launch at the international Intercollegiate Rocket Engineering Competition (IREC) 2015:
McGill Rocket Team conducted a successful main parachute deployment mechanism using a tender descender prior to launch at the international Intercollegiate Rocket Engineering Competition (IREC) 2015: