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Jun 2015

Hey folks,

I would like to show you my 3D printed lightsaber.

This has been the first big project with my 3D printer.
I started with a Prusa i3 I got online and since I saw that video 12 of Jacky aka Valcrow I wanted to print this awesome lightsaber! :slight_smile:

It represents the version of Obi Wan and it comes in two different versions:
A simple version (4 parts) 2 and a complex version (14 parts) 15. They are both available on Youmagine.com 4.

I chose the complex version since it shows much more details and I was curious how far I can go with my Prusa i3

White PLA was used for the print. I knew I was going to use airbrush to give it a cool look I thought the color was ideal for painting it.

The natural look looks nice (Ken proved it already 6 @) but I wanted to have this old rusty look like Valcrow showed in his tutorial video. So I grabbed my brother´s airbrush pistol, bought some paints and gave it a try. I must say this was my first try ever and it is not that easy to handle it.

Here is a list of tools and paints that were used:

- Airbrush with compressor
`- Seasalt (crushed - the larger the variety of size the better) \- Standard hard bristle brush for dry brushing \- Standard brush for water application \- toothpick or stick`

(paints are all acrylic based)
`- dark grey surface primer \- white \- Dark Brown \- Red \- Gold \- Silver \- Black`

- airbrush thinner
`- Water `

You see there were used some extraordinary tools like salt or a toothpick. You don´t believe that? Check out the whole video 12.

My result is quiet satisfying but I am sure you can do it better! :wink:
You can see there are endless possibilities with a 3D printer and some paint.
Coloring your print makes a huge difference and turns your model into an eye-catcher.
Spending time on details can even compensate a medium quality of a 3D print.

What is your experience with painting your 3D prints?

Best regards


https://www.3dhubs.com/stuttgart/hubs/zippi/ 10

  • created

    Jun '15
  • last reply

    Aug '15
  • 18


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  • 10


Wooooow, really nice! Thanks for sharing @ :slight_smile:

Interesting how different this style is from yours @ and cool in a very different way, right?

Yeah @´s lightsaber looks awesome! I wished my prusa printed it so well! I like how simple and clean it is.

This is amazing! Good job @! Did you build your Prusa that you printed this on?

Thanks @toymaker2 !

yes i got a prusa i3 kit and built it

meanwhile I’m using a Ultimaker 2 though

Wow, this is amazing! This was made on the Prusa? That’s my printer, I could do something like this!

Yes @cecile_vanderwa, why don´t you print it out and we post it on instagram with the hashtag #3dprintedlightsaber :smiley:
We can make a huge collection

Nice! We’re almost there with the Prusa, just the extruder to go :wink:
Send any tips you have my way!

1 month later