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Dec 2016

Hi, 3D-printing lovers! I know, Christmass is not a good time to introduce something, but I’m so excited about my new doll Dory!

p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 12.0px Helvetica; color: #454545}

She is a fully 3D printed doll, including the hair, wings, shoes and dress. She is 16cm (6’) tall and has articulated neck, chest, shoulder, elbows, wrists, hips, knees and ankles. The parts of body are stringed with an elastic.

p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 12.0px Helvetica; color: #454545}

As a 3D printable file, Dory is already availible on my own website and will be available soon on the shapeways as well.

On legranddoll.com 47 she comes with the free three months “Dory’s treasure” subscription: every month subscriber will get a new file (or files) for printing some props for Dory. It could be the furniture, outfit, even a pet!

At this moment Term 1 is ready. It is the Angel outfit. This bundle contents the hair, dress, shoes and wings. Everything is 3D printed from PLA!

I have 3 coupons for 90% off for her, and 5 coupons for 50% off for you, guys. If you want to have one, please, message me, email, comment or contact any way you could :slight_smile:

Also, I’m offering an affiliate program with 50% commission rate for all my digital files and 10% for any physical product (dolls or props) with 30 days of cookie lifetime. If you are interested, register here: https://legranddoll.com/pages/affiliates-program 45

  • created

    Dec '16
  • last reply

    Jan '17
  • 11


  • 4.4k


  • 6


Great job on the modelling! At least judging by the pictures, it seem to be really well thought out and designed, and the parts look like they’re split in a smart way as regards to print orientation, which is something a lot of designers seem to forget or ignore.

If they’re still going, I wouldn’t mind a discount coupon, so I can kick around with printing this model, without committing too much money into it, initially. - I don’t have a market for these yet, but with a functional test piece, maybe someone might get interested. :slight_smile: (I’ll drop you a message on FB, so we can talk there.)

Thank you so much! I already sent your coupon on Facebook. After purchase, you will get a free three months subscription. Finish it and get the Angel outfit on your email. It is Term1 of Dory’s treasure subscription.

Hope to get the feedback!

Hi. Congratulations. Only for my curiosity, are you printing it using one file with mesh or using different files for hair and body? Will it be an stl file or what else? Congratulations again, Matteo.

Hi Matteo! Thank you for your interest :slight_smile:️. Every part of doll body is one stl file named ‘left hand’ or ‘right forearm’. Stl files of the body are compressed into the zip file. I usually put a few parts on the print bed, combine by the color and size. Left parts have the marks to avoid the confusion.