'The latest case of 3D printed game fandom comes from Canterbury, United Kingdom, where Fabbdea 3D Printing is based. Fabbdea, describing itself as an ‘ideas fabricator’, offers a range of additive manufacturing services, including the production of bespoke projects for gaming fans. Earlier this year, one of those fans—Jay—got in touch with Fabbdea’s Adam Malkowski about the possibility of producing a replica of the ‘Arcus’ exotic auto rifle from Destiny, a weapon that would later become known as the ‘SUROS Regime’. […]
The parts of the replica weapon, which numbered around 40 pieces in total, were 3D printed in PLA with a 0.2mm layer. At 120mm/s, the total print time was around 400 hours. Wanting to make the model absolutely perfect, Adam thought about how he could add weight and structural integrity to the weapon. He decided to add a copper pipe to the inside of the Arcus, the significant weight of which added an extra degree of realism to the gun.
When all the pieces were 3D printed, the Fabbdea team, with the help of a local artist, sanded and painted each part with extraordinary attention to detail. Three primer coats were followed by three layers of paint, over which two layers of lacquer were added before the rifle could finally be assembled. Adam implemented a removable magazine into the model, at Jay’s request. A small board, speaker, and LED lights were also added to replicate the in-game characteristics of the weapon.’

Source: http://www.3ders.org/articles/20151016-fabbdea-3d-printing-create-3d-printed-arcus-rifle-from-destiny-video-game.html
Absolutely amazing!! I can’t believe I’m the first one commenting on this!
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