Scanning Cars has been in business since April 2015. The main purpose of this website was to fill a void: the lack of 3d printable cars. Since we’ve been open our technique has improved and now our vehicles are able to be customized to your needs. We’ve been to several car museums doing 3d scans of vehicles, the one pictured is the Casalini Sulky Tricycle (next to a Toyota Camry, for size reference). The file for printing the Casalini is free on our website. We would love for you to send us pictures of your 3d prints!!

This is an awesome initiative
It reminds me of this project, which basically involves 3D design + printing, but it’s also meant to bring back the old vehicles/ cars: Old vintage romanian 3D printed truck DAC | Indiegogo
Wanna give it a try @derKarsten? 
Hey, guys. I’m the owner of Scanning Cars - this part of my business is mostly a hobby at this point and I would love to hear any feedback you have! My goal is to indiscriminately make every car I possibly can 3d printable. Btw, the other car in the image above is a Volvo 960 not a Camry.
Oh, I love this! Is this project still on??