The story starts with a chill night and pizzas in the office. I had the idea to recreate the infamous spot light, that the City of Gotham uses to call Batman… but of course starring our superhero, Marvin:)
As unfortunately neither do we have an industrial spot light, nor a 3D printer with a giant print volume, so I thought the flash on my iPhone will be good for now.
The project turned out to be a bit overconfident considering my Tinkercad skills, so I turned to @Robin3D for help. We (he) used Maya and created the design in no time. The parts that posed the biggest challenge was flattening Marvin and figuring out how to let the most light pass, while still preserving printability.
Eventually we printed the design on the Form 1+. Slightly tilted on the X axis (55), no internal supports and the remaining supports were reduced as well to avoid spot marks that would break the light (density 0.5). It took the printer to its limits, the edges around the face cannot be more than a few hundred microns.
Here are the results. What do you think?
P.S. The file is attached, feel free to tweak it:)
MarvinFlash_2.obj (493 KB)
MarvinFlash_2.stl (733 KB)
Saw it in action super cool @Bali!
This is amazing! @Robin3D Could you go in a bit of detail on how you turned Marvin into the 2D image to get the right projection? That way people could then make projections of their own images.
Oh yes, the Marvin-signal!