Maicon, We are still waiting for you to send us your printers COMPLETE log file, and not an edited version of your log file. Why would you not complete this very simple task? Why would you go through all the trouble of editing your log file, leaving all of the most important log information out Sir?
Your actions thus far have not been conducive of someone trying to fix a problem.
You have been online leaving negative reviews about us as a company, yet when we attempt to assist you, you send us log file which is clearly edited. We ask you to send us an unedited log file, and we do not hear back from you until this email? Why?
We are more than willing to help you with the problems that you are experiencing, but if we can not have your co-operation in providing us the means to analyse the problem, (which may or may not be due to our product), then how can you expect us to provide support?
Nobody takes their car to a mechanic to be fixed, and then not let the mechanic look under the hood Sir!
Please download and install the program called, “Team Viewer” on to a computer that has both internet access as well as access to the printer using our powder.
The program called “Team Viewer” will be used to logon locally to your 3D Printer for troubleshooting and diagnostics testing only.
Please email us once you have successfully installed team vier.
I send you all log file that I have, you want to send you my 3d printer too, I don’t know what more do you want, you only make excuses for todo nothing bout this.
I can send you any more that I can used and Have. your say now this but not answer nothing in any medium, You are irresponsable, you say that I edit this file, that only show my that, You just do not want to accept that your product does not work. That is your answer??? The file is Edited??, I don’t have any idea that you are saying, you are accusing of something quite serious you are. Of course that I going to make the install team view, but after this you goint look that your product is awfull, after two month your give this solution, After this I will ask for the payment of my printer at 100% because it will ruin it again.
Following up, the ZT-400 products are great!! I am very happy with the print results, I recommend it. seller is always happy to answer questions, and always reply. Shipping fast fast considering it was international.
I know you haven’t been on here for a while, but I’m interested in what you have to say about your 3d printing studio consulting services. I’m planning on starting such a studio in the seattle area, and I need as much advice as I can get. Hope we can chat!