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Apr 2017

I just left $50+ on the table (small change for you maybe)! The customer chose 300 micron white, but asked for 100 micron in the comment. I’ve printed for him before so I failed to look closely at the order. I know it’s my own fault, but the way they choose layer heights mixed in with color is certainly sub-optimal!

  • created

    Apr '17
  • last reply

    Apr '17
  • 6


  • 1.1k


  • 6


same here, customers choosing cheapest option but demanding lowest layer height in comments… hence arguments then bad reviews…

Jep agree, it’s on the roadmap. Q2 we’ll launch a new material system, next up will be color selection (hopefully end Q2, but should def. be done Q3). Best, Filemon

I agree, some clients have a hard time changing the layer height once the order is submitted, as the menu is confusing and difficult to find.