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Mar 2015

In the End of last year I ordered a 3DHUB for my fairphone. I printed it in Berlin. so far everything was okay. When I touched the Case for the first time I reallized, that the edges hadn’t been cutted correctly. There wree really sharp borders at the top and at the bottom.

Two weeks ago my telephone fell of the table and two edges are broken now…

I think 3D HUBS are a nice Idea, but the realization is not really good…I am really dissapointed.

  • created

    Mar '15
  • last reply

    Mar '15
  • 6


  • 1.1k


  • 5


So sorry to hear about this, @reikekind! I’ll add in to the discussion @Robin3D, Head of Customer Support, to further look into this. However next time you receive a print and you’re not happy with it, please make sure to go through our FAQ, as we have a 100% moneyback guarantee, which should have helped in this situation - check here for details: https://www.3dhubs.com/faq. Thanks

Yeah, I also wondered why they would use a screwdriver for it, but you know how it goes :wink: