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Sep 2015

After an amazing workshop in San Francisco, the MadeSolid series has arrived in Europe! You can join us in Paris 1, the 9th of September, and London September 10.

You will have the opportunity to get your hands on some high-tech Flex Solid material. Read more about Flex Solid in the comments below.


We’ll be covering tips, tricks and best practices for extruding beautiful, flexible prints, and we won’t just focus on the theory! The ticket price 15 (€/£) which included the workshop and a custom-made MadeSolid filament sample pack (retail value: 30 €/£). Of course, we will take care of some drinks and snacks.

There’s only limited sample packs available (30), so make sure you reserve your ticket here: London and Paris 1!

I really hope to see you there :slight_smile:

Telma, on behalf of our Mayors @ (Paris) and @ (London).


  • created

    Sep '15
  • last reply

    Sep '15
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  • 5


From the MadeSolid web page: “Elastic, stretchy, flexy and tough – meet FlexSolid! FlexSolid is extremely flexible without tearing easily unlike other flexible filaments. It is ideal on anything that requires engineering tolerance without compromising on long term durability. Compatible with non-Bowden printers. Note: We do not recommend FlexSolid for intricately detailed prints as stringiness may occur

11 days later

Hi everyone,

I was happy to meet you guys at the filament workshop at the fabclub in Paris last Wednesday. Many of you asked me to send them the slides of the presentation so here it is! Did you already tried the Flexsolid filament with your machine? How did it work for you?


Paris 3dhubs Mayor @
3D Hubs MadeSolid Workshop Paris.pdf (3.45 MB)