Hello 3DH Community!

First and foremost, we love you all!

If we launched a halloween design contest where users submitted their best Halloween themed designs and we all voted on our favorites, would this be fun for you?

We can give out print credits to the best 5.

Let us know

-3D Hubs


That would, indeed, be nice ^^
What do you mean by print credits? Like a discount to place on a printing order?

Hey @Zach, great initiative!

From when to when would be the contest . And how contestants can let us know they made a design ?

@Clement: We would provide a discount for future orders. Exactly as you suspected.

@Julie: We could create a 3D Hubs Halloween page for people to upload and vote.

Hi @edddy, would you ming sharing the design you made ? It’s awesome and totally matches that contest!

Maybe @bartv would be interested by that?

Oh yes! Loved the geared pumpkin. I should run that on BlenderNation on Halloween - be sure to submit a story!

Love the idea. Why not put the deadline a few days before Halloween so the winners can get their stuff printed, use it and share pictures afterwards?

Yes, that’s it

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Check out this! http://www.3dhubs.com/amsterdam/events/halloween-party :slight_smile:

Love it!