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Apr 2016

Hello everyone! I’m new to the community, but you guys all seem very helpful. I’m an absolute newbie, but I was looking to possibly 3-D print a cover for my laptop. I don’t want anything too fancy. My laptop isn’t one of the more popular models, so I can’t seem to find a cover anywhere. My question is, where would I start? I appreciate any help I can get! Thank you all!

  • created

    Apr '16
  • last reply

    Apr '16
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gday mate! the first step is finding a file that you want to print, more than likely you wont find it on thingiverse or youmagine

but if you can find it then you will save lots of time and $$
you can try and make the model yourself, i recommend thinkercad or onshape as good beginner cad programs to use or you can pay someone usualy $10-$30 an hour to make the model for you

finally you can find a local 3d hubs printer to print the model for you!

feel free to like my facebook page www.3dprintingguy.com 8 if you need any help with 3d modeling or printing!