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Oct 2016

When (oh when!) my Prusa i3 arrives, I’ll have two active printers. Both will be 1.75mm and both will be able to print the same materials but the Prusa has a larger build area (so presumably, can fulfill orders that wouldn’t fit on my FF Pro).

Since they’re both the same filament size/capability, do I need to add both printers to Hubs? Is there any benefit in terms of what the customer sees or ranking? Obviously, I can choose which printer to use depending upon the order/availability so there doesn’t seem to be any benefit in having a customer specify the FF Pro when I could use the i3.

IF it’s easier/no issue to just have one printer listed, can I change the printer type in my dashboard rather than re-listing all the 1.75mm filaments added to the FF Pro already?

  • created

    Oct '16
  • last reply

    Oct '16
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I added all of mine even though three are basically the same. Two FFCP’s and a QIDI Tech-1 also a QIDI X-ONE.

I figured if someone looks they might feel if I have more printers I have more invested and maybe work harder at doing a good job.

I know in no way does it mean someone with one printer doesn’t do a good job, not trying to imply anything!!

I think you can set it up however you like and think works best for you.

Once I add the MK2 I may price it higher since it may be able to do better overall or detailed prints than the others. And it may be more work to keep dialed in perfect. Don’t know yet, still impatiently waiting!!!

Just some random early AM thoughts!

Hi @wirlybird, the number of printers shown is one of my concerns - obviously a Hub with a lot of printers says something about that Hub (rightly or wrongly - as you say, there’s no guarantee a Hub with 20 printers will do any better job than a Hub with just one). It just seems wasteful to have to manually copy the materials when they’re settings/prices will all be the same (although the Mk2 can print to 50 microns, so I’d need one or two extra layer heights).

The quality question is a good one. Let’s say the Mk2 produces consistently better prints than the FF Pro at the same settings/material, and we both decide to charge fractionally more for the Mk2. Does this mean we’re knowingly producing prints of a lower quality from our other printers if the client chooses that one? Is the higher charge justified if it turns out the Mk2 is less maintenance than the other printer(s) (which seems possible given the auto bed-levelling)?

Of course, if the Mk2 consistently outperforms my FF Pro, the most likely result is that I’d sell the FF Pro and get another Mk2, but they’re interesting questions, at least to me…

Hey @cobnut, adding a second printer doesn’t affect your ranking at all. As @wirlybird suggested though, customers may view your hub differently based on the number of printers you have, but it doesn’t change your ranking.

Thanks @Asad3D, so the real question is, how much does having more than one printer influence a decision?

All great points.

I think on the quality question if the MK2 can produce enough of a better print then an increase is worth it. I see my FFCP’s as workhorses that do a great job and maybe the MK2 as the higher end finesse machine. It may not work out that way.

For the time being the MK2 is only going to get the select work! It is going to get “babied” for a while! It may turn out to be the real workhorse especially when the 4 color set up arrives!!

I may also sell a FFCP for another MK2 if it works out but I like the enclosed machines for those types of materials.

It was a hypothetical anyway!!

I probably won’t list the MK2 until I understand it and have it going good. I will probably not change any pricing for it at least to start with.

I don’t think you need to list multiple machines to do the same things if you don’t want to. Maybe have something in the description text to let people know your set up.

I would suggest setting up an additional printer for you Mk2 only because the build volume is larger. You don’t want to loose orders because Hubs’ filters you out due to build volume being too small, when you could in fact print an order on the Mk2. If you want to have one printer listed, I think it makes more sense to list the Mk2 instead of the FF, and then you can just choose between the two based on your orders/volume as you see fit.

I charge more to print on my Axiom than on my FF, for no other reason than the FF is easier to work with (it also costs a lot less to run in terms of energy). I think you are perfectly justified in charging a bit more for better quality; the customers who want quality and care very much about it will pay for it, and those that only care about getting a print for as cheap as possible won’t care about quality as much. A higher cost is justified for however you choose to justify it; just because something is slightly easier to use does not mean it has to be cheap.