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Aug '16 - Hi Matt, I agree with eulerO. It might be solidity issue, so it might be the model is not closed off well and that's the reason you're not able to prin...
Nov '16 - If you are new to 3D printing, make sure you always check if your model has 3D printing errors before printing something out. Try running it through Ma...
Nov '16 - Did you check your model to make sure it does not have errors in it by running it through a model check like https://makeprintable.com/ MakePrintable o...
Oct '16 - http://blog.makeprintable.com/exclusive-first-unboxing-hands-review-ultimaker-3/
Sep '16 - Hi Corumrask, I suppose there could be an error in the STL file, have you checked and repaired the file? http://makeprintable.com makeprintable.com is...